climate footprint

Global Heat Reduction Climate Footprint

CO₂e+ gives you the most comprehensive climate footprint available to help you chart the best course of action.

While traditional GHG inventories and carbon footprints offer valuable insights into an organization’s impact on the climate, they do not tell the whole story.  To help organizations more fully identify impacts and prioritize mitigation investments, whether internally or externally, GHR has unleashed a potent new GHG inventory and footprint sufficient to meet the challenge of today’s rapidly heating planet.

Our comprehensive assessment not only tracks carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, but also includes all other major drivers of climate change, as well as corollary environmental and human health benefits (i.e., “co-benefits”). This unparallelled level of visibility allows you to choose the best mitigation strategies for your needs, helping you realize the full value of these efforts by pinpointing actions that can most rapidly and effectively reduce excess heat in the near term.

To learn more about the scientific background, click here.

Two ways to get your footprint

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    1. Choose to have your full Climate Footprint verified. Then track your progress. The standard supporting this program (SCS-117) was developed by SCS Standards, the independent standards development arm of SCS Global Services.

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    2. Ask us to calculate the full Climate Footprint of your organization, selected operations and facilities, or specific products and services. Or build out your product life cycle assessment (LCA) with a more complete evaluation of your climate footprint, to help you identify opportunities and risks across your operations and supply chain.

Building Knowledge to Support Decision-Making

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    More data drives better decisions
    Our comprehensive accounting, CO₂e+, includes everything you expect plus much more so that you can make more informed decisions. This includes:

    • CO₂ and other long-lived greenhouse gases (GHGs)
    • Climate super pollutants including methane, nitrous oxide (N₂O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and black carbon
    • Effects from reductions in air pollutants that block solar radiation (e.g., SO₂)
    • Changes in albedo (Earth's reflectivity)
    • Landscape-level changes that impact Earth’s natural climate defenses.

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    Build on Existing Information
    Our process enables you to integrate and build on information you may have already collected and analyzed under conventional carbon accounting approaches. By understanding your full climate footprint, organizations can make the most informed climate mitigation investment decisions.

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    Quantified environmental and human health impacts
    Assess the environmental and human health benefits and trade-offs of different mitigation approaches to evaluate various options, whether you are making operational changes to reduce your footprint, or looking to insets or offsets to meet your climate goals.

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    Cutting edge science
    Our standard is based on the latest science from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) fifth and sixth assessment reports (AR5 and AR6). Assessments are conducted by SCS Global Services, a leader across industries in scientific certification since 1984, and in climate assessment for the past two decades.

  • Footprints can be calculated or verified:

    • Organization-wide
    • By line of business
    • For one or multiple facilities
    • For specific mitigation initiatives
  • Benefits of calculating your complete footprint:

    • Increase organization understanding of impacts and risks
    • Identify opportunities to protect vital supply chains and operations threatened by rising heat
    • Satisfy regulatory, customer, and stakeholder expectations

Determine what service is best for your needs. Contact us to get started.